Your number is

{{ notate(player.number,0) }}

Number is increasing

{{ notate(FORMULA.dt_merges(),0) }}


({{ FORMULA.merges_have(player.merges) }} / {{ player.merges.length }}) Merger will be added in {{ notate(FORMULA.times(), 1) }}s

[{{ notate(merge,0) }}]

+{{ notate(FORMULA.merge_effect(merge),0) }}

You have

{{ notate(player.prestige.points,0) }} [{{ notate(player.prestige.stats,0) }}]

Prestige points, which multiplies number production by {{ notate(FORMULA.prestige_effect()) }}

You have

{{ notate(,0) }} [{{ notate(,0) }}]

Energy points, which multiplies number production by {{ notate(FORMULA.energy_effect()) }}

Reset your number, Mergers, prestige points, and energy points (at least 20 new Sacrifice points required to reset).

You have

{{ notate(player.sacrifice.points) }} [{{ notate(player.sacrifice.stats) }}]

Sacrifice points, which generates {{ notate(FORMULA.sacr_effect()) }} Particles/s.

You have

{{ notate(player.sacrifice.particles[particles[p-1]]) }}

(+{{ notate(FORMULA.particles_gain(p-1)) }}/s)
{{ large_particles[p-1] }} particles

which boosts {{ large_particles[p-3*Math.floor(p/3)] }} gain by

{{ notate(FORMULA.particles_eff[particles[p-1]+'_gain']()) }}


and boosts {{ ["Energy point gain","Prestige point gain","Merger level"][p-1] }} by

{{ notate(FORMULA.particles_eff[particles[p-1]+'_effect']()) }}

{{ ["x","x","+"][p-1] }}

You have

{{ notate(player.preons.points) }} [{{ notate(player.preons.stats) }}]

(+{{ notate(FORMULA.preons_gain()) }}/s) Preons, which multiples Sacrifice point & Particles gain by {{ notate(FORMULA.preons_effect()) }}

You have

{{ notate(player.atoms.points) }}


You Atomized {{ notate(player.atoms.stats,0) }} (+{{ notate(FORMULA.atomizes_gain(),0) }}/s) times

({{ FORMULA.atom_merges_have(player.atom_merges) }} / 20) Atom Merger

[{{ merge[0] }}]

+{{ notate(FORMULA.atom_merge_effect(merge[0]),0) }}

You have

{{ notate(player.atoms.dusts[ATOMCOLORS[4*c+r-5]]) }}

(+{{ notate((FORMULA.dt_atom_merges()[ATOMCOLORS[4*c+r-5]])?FORMULA.dt_atom_merges()[ATOMCOLORS[4*c+r-5]]:0) }}/s)
{{[4*c+r-5] }} Atom Dust

which {{ ATOMS.desc[4*c+r-5] }}

Currently: {{ ATOMS.cur[4*c+r-5][0][1](ATOMS.cur[4*c+r-5][0][0]()) }}, {{ ATOMS.cur[4*c+r-5][1][1](ATOMS.cur[4*c+r-5][1][0]()) }}
{{ notate(ATOMS.milestones[c*10+r].req,0) }} Atomizes
{{ ATOMS.milestones[c*10+r].desc }}
Note: Merging Atom Mergers has a chance to give Nuclear Power.

You have

{{ notate(player.nuclear.points,0) }} [{{ notate(player.nuclear.stats,0) }}]

Nucelar Power, which multiples Atoms & Atom Dust by {{ notate(FORMULA.nuclear_effect()) }}

You have

{{ notate(player.uranium.points,0) }}

Uranium Power, which raises Particles gain by {{ notate(FORMULA.uranium_effect()) }}

{{ CHALLENGES[c*10+r].title }}

{{ CHALLENGES[c*10+r].desc }}

Goal: {{ notate(CHALLENGES[c*10+r].goal) }} Numbers
Reward: {{ CHALLENGES[c*10+r].reward }}
Currently: {{ CHALLENGES[c*10+r].curDesc(CHALLENGES[c*10+r].cur()) }}